Products and Services |
Strategic direction: Document and enhance corporate guiding principles and statements of direction. This provides your organization guidance for financial expenditures and operation of the organization.
Trends research: Various business and technology trends can be researched and evaluated. Possible business opportunities can be identified. Alternative approaches can be discussed and recommendations made. Product and services assessment: Current, planned, and potential future products and services can be identified and assessed. These products and services can be evaluated for fit, viability, and the level of effort needed to develop and maintain. Road map: A high level timeline can be developed for the deployment of the various products and services. The timeline will take into account technology maturity, market timing, staff resources, and finances to optimize your company's ROI. Technical architecture assessment: The current technical infrastructure can be assessed as to its long term viability. An architectural plan for optimal utilization, growth, and enhancement of the technical infrastructure can be developed. This plan will take into account the staff's current skill set and foreseeable technology trends. Human resource strategies: Building and keeping a loyal and productive team is often the key to a successful organization. A plan that addresses recruitment sources and approaches, staff skill development, employee incentives, and retention strategies can be established. Mergers and acquisitions: Rules of the road can be specified for the selection of possible acquisitions and further to specify how, or if, an acquisition will be merged with your company or left to run autonomously. Incubator spin-offs: Decision points can be identified that guide how and when an incubator project can or should be spun off. Other services: Include marketing strategies, organizational structure, e-commerce strategies, and capability assessments.